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Sunny Bank Primary School

Minster in SheppeyPrimary School

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Year 5

Welcome to term 6!


My goodness, the year has flown and we are now heading into our final term together.  We have a very exciting term ahead of us: arts week, our school trip to Creed, our year 5 performance and sports week.


In literacy this term, we will be continuing with the text 'Kensuke's Kingdom', finding out how Michael survives living on an island with his dog and treasured football.  In numeracy, we will be developing our knowledge of measurement and converting units both metric and imperial.  Also, in the term we will be focusing on volume and capacity and negative numbers.  In our topic lessons, we are going to be learning about natural resources and sustainability.  Within our science lessons, we are going to be continuing to develop our forces knowledge from term 2, looking at gravity, up thrust and buoyancy. 

Our final part of our journey for this term, is to prepare you for your transition to year 6, where we know that you will all 'be the best that you can be.'


Welcome to term 5!


We hope that you all had an enjoyable Easter holiday and are ready for lots of exciting learning in term 5.

This term we are going to be reading the book, 'Kensuke's Kingdom' by Michael Morpurgo in literacy.  There are many twists and turns to the book, identifying character's feelings and emotions.

In numeracy we will be continuing to develop our knowledge of shape, angles, reflection and translation in addition to decimals.

Our topic takes us the Rainforests across the world, we will be identifying where they are in the world, the different biomes, animals that inhabit them and much more! 

Science continues with us developing our understanding of life-cycles, this term focusing on the human life-cycle.

Just a reminder, please do bring in any 'Passport to Learning Projects' in throughout the term so that we can celebrate the learning you have completed at home.  Parents and carers, thank you for your continued support with supporting your child practicing their weekly Spelling Bee words, times tables, reading and TTRs.


We are looking forward to an enjoyable term of learning.


Year 5 Team

End of Term 4


What a full term we have had! It's been great! It's quite incredible to think about all the things we have packed into this term with World Book Day, Science Week, Mother’s Day as well as Shakespeare! We have loved exploring Macbeth and were lucky enough to end the term with a performance. Our numeracy certainly got our brains ticking with decimals and percentages.


We hope that you have a “cracking” Easter break and manage to get some well-earned rest!


See you next term!


The Y5 Team

Welcome to Term 4


We hope that you all had a lovely break with your grownups.


In literacy this term, we will be learning about the mystery that takes place in Macbeth.  Throughout the term, we shall be writing a letter, learning about the variety of characters and the roles that they have in the story, writing a playscript and finally writing and performing poetry - look out for some of these uploaded onto the school website at the end of term.


In numeracy we are developing our understanding of decimals. Leading on from this, children will learn about percentages, making connections with their understanding of fractions as well as decimals. Later in the term, children will extend their learning in statistics.


Our topic this term is the Ancient Greeks.  Throughout the term, we will be identifying who the Ancient Greeks were and understanding about their daily lives.  We will learn about who Alexander the Great was and the impact his empire had and finally learn about the beliefs held by Ancient Greeks which include their Gods and Goddesses.


Last term we had some super 'Passports to Learning' projects and we had really enjoyed learning about what some of our children in Year 5 have been learning at home.  If you have not yet brought in a project, please give it a go this term - it can be about anything we have been learning this term or something that you like to do out of school.  Remember it can be brought into school at any time throughout the term.

Parents and carers, please do continue to encourage your child to read each evening and complete their TTRs.  Just a reminder we have spelling tests on Fridays and times table tests on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


End of Term 3


My goodness hasn't the term flown!  We have had a very busy term, learning about the character of Mr Stink and writing non-chronological reports on homelessness.  Additionally, we have continued our learning journey of fractions and we can now convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions as well as add, subtract and multiply them!.  Our forest school challenge was brilliant, we created a bingo board for our partner to find wildlife in the winter.  We then went outside to see who would say BINGO first!


Thank you to everyone who brought in a 'Passport to Learning' project, we have seen some super home learning taking place.


Finally, thank you to you, our super parents/carers, who have been incredibly supportive at home.  We wish you all a fantastic half-term and look forward to seeing you back on Monday 19th February.


Welcome to Term 3

 Happy New Year! 

We hope that you had a lovely Christmas together and are all well rested and ready to start our learning journey for this term. Don’t forget, we need to get those AR points.

This term in numeracy, we will begin by focusing on fractions and then move on to multiplication and division. In literacy, we will be reading the text “Mr Stink” by David Walliams and exploring both fiction and non-fiction writing.  In topic we are going to be learning about South America.  We shall be learning lots of new language such as equator, southern and northern hemisphere as well as identifying the physical and human geography of the country.  Within science this term, we are going to be learning about Earth and Space – this is very exciting as we shall be learning about the solar system, comparing the sizes of the planets as well as finding out about how we have night and day.


Thank you to everyone who shared a ‘Passport to Learning’ project last term, we really do like to see the learning that you participate in at home. Parents and Carers, thank you for your continued support with encouraging your child to learn their weekly spellings, times tables and reading.

Year 5 Team


End of Term 2


What a full term we have had! It's been great! It's quite incredible to think that this term started all the way back at the end of October. Since then we have explored The Tear Thief and made our own character, covered some tricky elements of maths including square numbers, and fractions which are always tricky concepts to consider. Our forest school task was great and helped us to consider how we care for our local environment. And then before you know it, it was the carol concert and Christmas party!


We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas break and manage to get some well-earned rest!


See you in 2024!


The Y5 Team

Welcome to Term 2!


The team are excited to get started in term 2! It is the Christmas term after all! We have the most beautiful text this term –The Tear Thief by Carol Ann Duffy, which is going to provide the inspiration for our writing. The illustrations alone are breath taking. We are starting the term with Black History week before moving onto British settlers – looking at some of the amazing history of Great Britain and exploring how artefacts are found and what they tell us of the past! One of the highlights of the term promises to be Design and Technology where we will be using tools to create frames, cams and mechanisms to display a very special, hand-painted feature on top! The term certainly promises to be a cracker!


The Y5 Team


End of Term 1


What a fantastic term it has been getting to know everyone! We have thoroughly enjoyed our text 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs' and worked hard to write an informal letter, a character description and a balanced argument (we certainly have some budding authors out there.)We have also seen children making progress in reading, writing and maths but most notably may be our art. It has been fantastic to work through some artistic skills and apply them independently.


Well done to all Penguins, Owls and Eagles for having such a positive start to the year and we cannot wait to get back and start cracking on with Term 2!


Have a great break, and don’t forget to read that book so you can start quizzing with a bang when you come back. We can’t wait to see you!


The Y5 Team

Welcome to Year 5!


We hope that you had a fabulous holiday and have made lots of memories with your families.  


We can’t wait to get to know our new year 5s, finding out all about your hobbies and interests as well as starting our learning journey. It’s an exciting time!


This term our literacy is based on the text 'The true story of the Three Little Pigs' written by Jon Scieszka. We love a story with a twist, and one that will surely make you smile.  In numeracy we will be recapping our knowledge of place value and be looking at the four operations.  There is no place like home, so our topic is the history and geography of Queenborough, where we will be finding out how Queenborough got it's name and the Dutch invasion.


Every Tuesday and Thursday morning we will be having our times table test - hopefully many of you by the end of the year will be a Multimagician!  Additionally, each Friday we will be having a spelling test so please do learn your weekly spellings. They are attached inside your reading diary in case you misplace your booklet. Remember, reading diaries need to be in school every day


We are looking forward to sharing your child's learning journey throughout the term, so please keep a look out on our class gallery for photographs.


The Year 5 Team

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