Home School Agreement
"When there is a positive relationship between parents and their child's school, the benefits are all-round."
Leading Parent Partnership Award.
Minster Primary Home/School Agreement Working in Partnership with Parents & Pupils
‘To be the best that we can be’
At Minster Primary School we will:
- Offer a high standard of teaching across the curriculum
- Teach an exciting & motivating curriculum
- Provide a happy, safe & stimulating environment
- Encourage all children to develop pride in their achievements & to strive for excellence
- Encourage all children to take care of others and the environment
- Regularly inform you about your child’s progress, the curriculum & wider school issues
As Parents/Carers we will:
- Ensure our child attends regularly, on time & properly equipped & prepared for the school day, including wearing the correct uniform including PE kit
- Notify the school if our child is unable to attend
- Keep the school informed about anything that might affect our child’s work, behaviour or motivation
- Support school policies & follow school procedures, always supporting the school and teachers in front of the child
- Attend Parent Consultations and other meetings to discuss our child’s progress
- Work in partnership with the school to help our child achieve their potential
As a pupil I will:
- Attend school regularly, on time & properly equipped & prepared for the school day
- Work & play safely & fairly
- Respect other people, their right to learn and be happy, their property & the school building & grounds
- Try hard & show pride in all tasks, including homework
- Behave well and follow the school & class codes of conductTell an adult in school if anything is worrying me
Signed by Parent/Carer: Pupil: