Year 1
A very warm welcome to Year 1!
This year we will support your children as they develop new skills and independence. Our experienced staff are fully committed to helping the children grow and achieve.
In Term 1 we start the transition from Foundation Stage learning to National Curriculum objectives. This is a sensitive time for our young learners, and they will experience much growth. To aid them with this transition we especially focus on our children's wellbeing and emphasise the importance of staying safe and being responsible for our own actions. The focus is very positive, aiming to praise growth mindset at every opportunity. We also ensure we celebrate every new success with our staff and peers. We will also be practicing core skills particularly handwriting, phonics and reading development which is a strong focus in Year 1.
We are very much looking forward to working with our parents and children in Year 1 and would like to thank you in advance for your support. Please share any successes, or concerns with your class grown-ups, we would love to celebrate and are here to support.
Mrs Pleace and Miss O’Connell, Nightingale Class
Mrs Chirnside and Mrs Jones, Dove Class
Mrs Pearn and Mrs Holloway, Goldfinch Class
Ms Bishop (across all three classes)
Term 1
This term in Year 1, the geography focus will be ‘Our Island’. We will learn to draw and read maps and understand what physical and human features are. We will use our Minster Muscles to develop our observational drawing skills too.
In literacy, we will continue with Drawing Club, beginning with the story of the ‘Naughty Bus’. We will develop our handwriting and phonics skills when writing sentences, remembering to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. We will be thinking about adjectives and using them to describe the characters and the settings.
In maths, we will be looking at place value and reading and writing numerals to 10. We will explore using manipulatives and number lines to find one more or one less than numbers to 10. We will be sorting and comparing groups of objects and numbers using symbols < > + to show greater than, less than or equal to. We will be learning to use the part-whole model when adding and subtracting.
It is sure to be a fun term of learning