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Sunny Bank Primary School

Minster in SheppeyPrimary School

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Year 2

Welcome back to Term 6! 


We have a super exciting term ahead of us! 


We will be following the adventures of Pirate Pete in Literacy and using our senses to describe all of the colourful islands he visits. 

In Maths, we will be describing positions and turns before moving on to learning about mass. 

In Topic, we will be finding out about world wide tourist attractions and the pros and cons of visitors to these places. 

We can not wait to celebrate arts week with a local visit to Minster Leas. Further into the term we will be travelling to Kent Life in Maidstone. 

We will be practising our PE skills ready to show them off on sports day! 


Finally, we also look forward to supporting the pupils with their transition up to Year 3! 

As Term 5 comes to an end we want to congratulate all of the children in Year 2 for their hard work, determination and resilience that they displayed while completing their End of KS1 SATs.

We are so proud of you all! 


We have enjoyed taking our learning outside and have used the school grounds to investigate nocturnal animals to support our research for non-chronological reports.


In Maths, we have mastered telling the time as well as solving multi step problems.


As always, you have strived to reach your reading and TTRS targets this term. 


We hope you enjoy a wonderful half term and look forward to welcoming you back ready for our final term together! 



Welcome back to Term 5!


In Literacy, we will be learning facts about nocturnal animals and writing non-chronological reports. Did you know that owls fly silently because of their soft feathers, hollow bones and curved wings? There is so much to find out! 


In Maths, we will be focusing on reading, recording and measuring time. There are plenty of activities on Purple Mash and if you would like some additional challenges. 


In Topic, we will be learning about deserts around the world. We will discover where they are in the world, their features and how animals and people adapt to survive in these extreme climates. 


Well done to all of the children who have already reached their end of year targets in reading. Many of you are very close so keep reading at home to increase your points and word count.


We look forward to another busy term! 


Year 2 Staff 


As Term 4 draws to a close we would like to say a huge well done to all of the pupils who have worked so hard to be the best they can be! 

Once again it has been a busy term. As well as all of our usual curriculum subjects, the children have also enjoyed World Book Day events, Children's Mental Health Day and Science Week activities. 

This week we have celebrated many achievements in our assemblies including children who have exceeded their end of year reading points and word targets, improved attendance and children who have demonstrated using their Minster Muscles. 


After all of their hard work the children were thrilled to have a very well deserved visit from the Easter Bunny! 


We wish you all a very happy Easter! 



Welcome back to Term 4! 


We have lots to look forward to this term including our forest school challenge and World Book Day events. 

In Literacy, we will be studying the story of The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark and following Plop's adventures while developing our writing skills. For the first time we will be writing dialogue. How many alternative words for 'said' can you think of? 

In Maths, we will be learning about fractions. We will learn to identify them, compare them and count with them.  

In Topic, we will be focusing on how people's lives changed during World War 2. Were any of your relatives involved in the war? How were their lives affected? 


As always we challenge you to meet your Accelerated Reader Targets. Let us know when you reach the moon! 

Will you reach the top of the TTRS leader board? 




As Term 3 Draws to a close it is unbelievable to think that we have reached the mid-point of the year! 


The children have worked hard in Maths and have shown confidence while developing their reasoning skills to solve multiplication and division problems. 

In Literacy, the Woodpeckers and Flamingos enjoyed the story of The Lion and the Unicorn, following the life events of Lenny Levi as he was evacuated to the countryside during WW2. 

In Topic, the children built upon their geopgraphical knowledge of the continents and then drilled down to learn more about the four countries that make up the UK. 

We celebrated and recognised events such as Children's Mental Health Week and Safer Internet Day. 

Well done to everyone who has consistently read at home, accessed TTRS and prepared for their weekly multiplication and spelling tests- you're motivation and dedication will definitely pay off! 


We hope you have a great week at home with your families and look forward to seeing you all next term. 



Happy New Year and welcome back to Term 3!


Reading targets have been set and we look forward to all children striving to reach the moon this term. Remember to read at home every night to build up your reading stamina and ensure you're ready to quiz each morning. 


In Literacy our text is The Lion and the Unicorn and we will be following the journey of Lenny Levi as he moves to the countryside during WW2.


In Maths we will be learning about multiplication and division. We will use our fluency skills to help us reason and solve problems. 


Our Topic is Coast and City. We will learn about the countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities. 


We look forward to another busy and exciting term ahead! 



As we approach the end of Term 2 we would like to say a huge well done to all of the Woodpeckers and Flamingos who have worked so hard! 

We have seen wonderful progress in all areas of the curriculum.


After a long term of motivation and resilience it has been wonderful to finish the term with some festive fun. We're so proud of the children for their Christmas carol performance. 


We would like to wish all of our families a happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all back in January recharged and ready for the term ahead. 


Year 2 Staff  

Welcome back to Term 2

We have a busy, exciting term ahead and we can't wait to get started! 

In Literacy, we will be learning about lots of important historical events including; The Gunpowder Plot, Remembrance Day and WW1. 

In Maths we will continue our learning of addition and subtraction before moving on to shape and money. 

In Topic we will learn about the life of Mary Seacole and discover how she helped people during the Crimean War. 

As always we will be encouraging the children to read at home every day to boost their reading stamina. 

Remember to keep practicing your your Spelling Bee and Times Tables. 


Before we know it Christmas will be upon us so we will be finishing the term by reading the Grinch, learning the Nativity story and of course performing a range of Christmas carols. 





Well done Woodpeckers and Flamingos for reaching the end of Term 1! 

We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you over these past few weeks. 

It has been fantastic watching you flex your Minster Muscles to meet all of the new and challenging expectations we have set for you this term. 

We hope you all have a very well deserves half term and look forward to seeing all you return, recharged and ready to continue our Year 2 learning journey. 

Welcome to Year 2! 


We hope you have had a wonderful summer enjoying time with your family and making precious memories. 

Over the next few weeks we are looking forward to getting to know you and finding out what you enjoy, your hobbies and how you learn best! 

We will be studying the story of Hansel and Gretel in Literacy, the number system in Maths and in Topic we will find out why Eastchurch is such an important part of the history of flight in our country. 

We will be building on the phonics knowledge you have already developed using the Monster Phonics scheme which you will also be able to access at home. 

Each week you will be asked to learn your times tables ready for a multiplication test every Wednesday. Times Tables Rockstars is a fantastic way to practise! In Year 2, it is really important that you read at home 5 times each week. Most of you are now on AR so this will allow you to quiz at least 3 times a week. 


All of your efforts will be rewarded on our weekly year group celebration assemblies. 


Look out for the the welcome letter that will be coming home in Week 1 which will explain the Year 2 expectations in more detail. 


We all look forward to a wonderful year! 


Miss Phillips and Miss Petrie

Miss Hawkins and Mrs Jefferies



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