Staying Safe Online
At Minster-in-Sheppey Primary School we believe that online safety is a key element of our safeguarding procedures and practices.
In the rapidly changing online world, it is essential that we prepare our pupils for the digital world that they are immersed into regularly through their use of technology such as: computers, mobiles phones, tablets and game consoles, which enable them to connect with the Internet, take images and communicate with others. It is important that they are educated and given the tools that are needed for them to recognise, manage and respond to risk so they can be empowered to build resilience online. Ultimately we aim to support our pupils to become responsible, constructive and self-aware members of the online world.
Throughout their life at Minster-in-Sheppey Primary School our curriculum continuously draws attention to online safety. We also have a focused group of ambassadors, who support pupil’s ability to navigate safely the online world.
Our Anti-bullying Ambassadors who have a responsibility for online safety, have created a policy with to tips about how to stay safe online. These tips are also shared in our Home/School Contact Diary.
To compliment this we also participate in focused days and activities such as: Internet Safety Day and have a clear monitoring systems, which logs online activity and allows us to ensure the safety of children and staff.
Our Acceptable Use Policy is sent home and shared with our pupils and parents annually. All class teacher review our Acceptable Use Policy with their classes.
Supporting Parents and Pupils with online safety concerns or worries
If you have any concerns regarding Online safety please do not hesitate to contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads on: 01795 872138
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) are:
- Lynne Lewis (HoS) DSL.
- Michelle Jeffery (HoS) DDSL
- Kate Forster (FLO) DDSL
- Lucy Kistruck (SENDo Assistant) DDSL
- Louise Payne (AHT) DDSL
Guides and Advice
Below are examples of websites that you might find supportive in answering any Online Safety questions: