Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)
At Minster-in-Sheppey Primary School, we are proud in achieving the Leading Parent Partnership Award. We value parental engagement and the positive impact the home-school relationship has in regards to children's school life, with a focus on wellbeing and learning.
What is the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)?
The Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) is a nationally recognised award achievable by schools who work closely with families of its pupils. It makes our work with families better, improves communication and builds more activities for families in school. The assessment is made by an external advisor.
What does the school have to do to achieve the award?
- Demonstrate a commitment to work towards achieving the LPPA
- Make and implement effective plans to achieve and maintain the LPPA
- Show the school is a welcoming, communicative and friendly place for parents
- Promote the awareness and participation of all groups of parents/carers in supporting their children’s learning and developing their own learning. In addition, the school holds and actively promotes a programme of opportunities and events for parent participation to develop a greater understanding of pupils’ learning.
- Provide a good induction for all new parents/carers
- Provide parents/carers with relevant and user-friendly guidance and information to help them to support their children’s learning
- Produce and implement parent-friendly policies to establish effective home–school links and to improve children’s attendance, punctuality, progress and positive participation in school
- Provide good support for all parents as their children move through or leave the school - Summarise our achievements against the LPPA objectives and outlines our future plans.
What are the long term benefits of the LPPA include (but not limited to):
- Increased parent participation and involvement
- Enhanced parents’ support in children’s learning
- Improved communication between home and school
We are so very proud to share that in 2020 we were awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award! Pupils, parents and staff working together is the best way to ensure fantastic outcomes for the children and we are proud that we have demonstrated our commitment to this belief!