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Sunny Bank Primary School

Minster in SheppeyPrimary School

Change Language


Welcome to our final term in Foundation - Term 6!


It almost feels impossible that we can be writing our final welcome back message for the year but here it is and we are looking forward to the most amazing term yet!

The term where our little Robins, Wagtails and Swifts really do wow us by continuing to show us just how fantastic they all are. 


We will be consolidating our knowledge of number and will also continue to work on shape and problem solving. 

We will be reading and writing simple sentences and we will begin the term with one of our favourite stories ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ which will not only begin our Drawing Club work for Term 6 but also lots of our work around Understanding the World. 

There will be lots of opportunities to create some lovely art work linked to this story too. 


It is a term full of fun events including Sports Day, transitions day and fun with our friends.


This term we will talk about journeys and next steps as we all prepare to move to Year One and continue our learning journey at Minster.


We are all looking forward to Term 6 with you!




End of Term 5 


They say time flies when you're having fun and Term 5 certainly flew by very quickly! 


We were all very busy impressing our teachers and TA's with our amazing writing. Our handwriting and letter formation has wowed so many people.

We are now beginning to write sentences independently and we are very good at remembering how a sentence is formed. 


We have been consolidating our Maths skills and have been working on the composition of number. We can identify doubles and have worked on odds and evens too! 


It was a rainy term so we are hoping for a sunnier and drier Term 6. 


Have a wonderful break with your friends and families and we look forward to welcoming you back for our final term in Foundation. 


The Foundation Team


Welcome back to Term 5

We really cannot believe it is Term 5 already!

We hope that you all had a wonderful Easter break. 

This term promises to be a very busy but enjoyable one. 


We are all looking forward to the warmer (and drier) weather and to many more opportunities for outdoor learning. 

We will continue with our phonics and are sure to continue to make amazing progress. 

We will be reading some familiar stories this term; The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Oliver's Vegetables which will of course lead us to growing our very own plants and vegetables in the garden. 

We have developed a deeper understanding of number and will continue to work on this. We will focus on number bonds and number patterns. 


As always, we will continue to be the best learner, the best friend and the best citizen in everything we do!


The Foundation Team



A few reminders:

  • Please remember to wear a coat to school every day. It is getting warmer but we are outside for extended amounts of time and it can feel a little chilly out there!
  • Also remember to bring a drink each day. 
  • Our PE day is a Monday. Children need to wear: black or navy joggers/leggings (shorts in warmer weather), a plain white t-shirt, a black or navy hoody or school jumper, and velcro trainers

Thank you


End of Term 4!


What a busy term that was! Probably our busiest one yet! 

 You have all been amazing this term flexing your Minster Muscles and thriving to be the best you could be!


We have had such fun participating in lots of different activities and experiences. 

It was lovely to see you all dressed up for World Book day and then again for Red Nose Day. 

We all enjoyed treating our lovely mums during our Mother's Day celebrations. 

We had an extremely busy week during Science Week where we explored floating and sinking, materials and ice. We were very impressed with the experiments you brought in from home to share with us.

Well done to you all!

The Colour Run was such fun and we had a lovely end to the term learning about and celebrating Easter. 


It was such a pleasure to meet with all your parents for parents evening and share with them your learning and progress so far. 


We would like to wish you and your families a relaxing break over the holidays and hope that you enjoy the Easter celebrations together. 


Happy Easter!

The Foundation Team  

Wow! Term 4 already!


We have lots to look forward to this term where hopefully Spring will make an appearance and we will begin to see the sunshine a little more. 


This term we will consolidate what we have already learnt in Maths and will be extending our number skills to include addition and subtraction. 


We will be using our phonic knowledge in more independent writing beginning with our Drawing Club story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes. We will be have lots of fun activities related to the story to participate in too.


In PE we will be focusing on multi-skills and we may even be able to participate in some of our lessons outside when the sun is shining. 

Just a reminder that children need to be wearing school PE kit; white t-shirtblue or black shorts or tracksuit bottoms/leggingsplimsols or trainers.


We are more than ready for the warmer Spring weather but there is still a nip in the air so please ensure all children have a coat so that they are prepared for outside learning.  


We are looking forward to this term where we are sure all children will come back ready to learn and have lots of fun!


End of Term 3


We had a very busy but fun Term 3 in Foundation. 

We are really enjoying Drawing Club and we think it is fair to say that everybody enjoyed the week we read 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' and then we packed our bags and actually went on a real bear hunt!

We found a friendly bear who loved all of the snacks he was given.

In Geography we have been looking at maps and where we live. Some of us made maps to help us during the Bear Hunt!

We have been developing our number sense and we are certainly becoming more confident with numbers. 

We spent time thinking about how to keep our minds and bodies healthy during Children's Mental Health week and how to stay safe when using the internet during Safer Internet Day. 

We ended the term learning about Chinese New Year and it was so lovely to welcome you all into our classrooms to look at our work and see what we have been learning.


We hope you all have a well deserved rest over the half term break and we look forward to welcoming you all back to school for Term 4.


Happy Holidays!

The Foundation Team 


Welcome back to school and to Term 3!


Welcome back to school everybody! We hope that all had a lovely Christmas with your families and friends.

We had some very cold and icy weather last term and there seems to be more forecast so please remember to wrap up warm ready for outside play and learning.

We will continue to observe the changes to the weather and our environment and enjoy lots of winter activities.

This term we will continue to introduce letters and their sounds during our Phonics. We have already learnt so many and are becoming very good at blending to read. This term we will be developing our skills in spelling.

Name writing is very important so we will continue to practise this.

In Drawing Club we will continue to develop our language and understanding of stories and will begin the term by reading the story Jack Frost. 

We all have a reading book (please remember to write in your child’s reading planner) and we are using our phonic skills very well when reading them.

We have been using our Maths skills to deepen our knowledge of number, shape and pattern. We have widened our knowledge of mathematical vocabulary.

Last term we impressed Craig in our PE sessions with our listening skills and how good we are at following instructions. We are looking forward to lots more fun PE sessions this term.   

Term 3 will be lots of fun and we will continue to be the best we can be…the best citizen, the best learner and the best friend.


Please remember to name all of your child's clothing, including all PE Kits, hats and coats.  

Thank you.  



End of Term 2


Wow, what a busy term that was!

We have all been working so hard and have made so much progress.

Lots of us are now writing our names independently and can write CVC words. We are hearing and recording phonemes we hear in words and are beginning to form letters in a cursive style. 

We have been enjoying our reading books and are using our phonic knowledge to sound out words to read.

We all absolutely love Drawing Club! We have read and worked on four stories this term and we have begun to write our own labels alongside our beautiful drawings. We are using language which really is amazing our grown ups!

In Maths, we have been deepening our knowledge of number and can talk about arrangements of objects, say the number after and before a given number and we have been finding ways of making numbers, e.g. 2 and 2 make 4 and so does 3 and 1. 

We have learnt about Guy Fawkes and also why people wear poppies.

We have enjoyed Autumn walks, a sprinkling of snow and to end the term we performed our Nativity. The children were amazing and we were all super proud of them all. 


We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope that you all have a well deserved rest and a wonderful time with your families.

See you all in 2024!


The Foundation Team


Welcome to Term 2

Well our first term at school certainly whizzed by and now we are at the beginning of Term 2! 


As we head into Autumn/Winter the weather is changing. We will be observing the changes to the weather and our environment and enjoying lots of autumn activities.

We will learn about Guy Fawkes and also Remembrance Day.


This term we will continue to introduce letters and their sounds during our Phonics. We have already learnt so many and have begun to use these when blending to read.

We have been using our Maths skills and have learnt to subitise in Maths. We will be continuing to deepen our knowledge of number, shapes and pattern.


Term 2 is always such an exciting term as it is our Christmas term. We will be inviting our grown-ups back into school later in the term to enjoy a Christmas activity with us, and we will begin to rehearse our Nativity and songs ready to perform in December!

We also have Christmas jumper day, Christmas Dinner and party day to look forward to too.


We were lucky enough to enjoy some warm and sunny weather during Term 1 however we are expecting some chillier (and maybe wetter) weather this term so we will all need to remember our coats and wellies for when we are playing outside.

What a lot of exciting things to look forward to!


The Foundation Team





  • Please ensure that children have a warm coat (hats, scarves and gloves) and sensible footwear for playing outdoors. 
  • Please ensure your child has a pair of wellies in school where we will store them for the children to access when needed. We encourage all children to change into their wellies before going down to play in the sandpit or mud kitchen and we wear wellies during our weekly Forest School sessions.
  • When you listen to your child read their reading book remember to sign or write a comment in their reading record so that we know they are ready to change it. 
  • Our PE day is a Monday. Please ensure children wear school PE kit (Kit details can be found on the website and displayed on classroom doors) and that all jewellery is removed before coming to school. If earrings cannot be removed you can cover them with tape before coming to school. All long hair should be tied back.

End of Term 1

We are extremely proud of the Foundation children for each and every one of their successes during their first term at school.

They have developed a huge amount of independence and have shown us that they are ready for their journey at Minster.

During our first term we have begun Phonics inputs and the children are already recognising so many of the phonemes we have already introduced. We have even begun to blend sounds to read!

You even have your own reading book to enjoy at home now. 

In Maths, we have been deepening our understanding of number and have been looking at arrangements of objects. We have even realised that we do not always have to count as we can often see how many objects are in a group just by looking!

We have begun to develop our imaginations, vocabulary and language through Drawing Club. We are all really enjoying this and have seen some amazing drawings and ideas.

Well done to you all!

Thank you to all the Foundation children and to all your grown-ups for such a great start to our school year.

Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy time with your families.


The Foundation Team


Welcome to Foundation


A very warm welcome to all children, parents and carers.


Starting School is a big step for everyone and we are here to ensure that the transition into school is happy and as easy as can be.


Term 1 is all about settling in, building relationships with staff and children and becoming familiar with new surroundings and routines.

We are here to support children and their grown-ups with the start of their Minster journey.  


We have an open door policy so please do not hesitate to ask us any questions or share any concerns you may have.


We are looking forward to seeing you all on Monday 4th September.


The Foundation Team



Important Information

We have a graduated transition into full time school.

Please see dates and times below.


 4th September:  Group 1 – 8.45 - 10.45am ~ Collect from Minster Road

                           Group 2 – 1.15 - 3.15pm ~    Drop off at Minster Road

 5th September:  Group 1 – 8.45 - 10.45am ~ Collect from Minster Road

                  Group 2 – 1.15 - 3.15pm ~     Drop off at Minster Road


6th – 15th September: Whole Class – 8.45 – 11.30am

18th – 22nd September: Whole Class – 8.45am – 1.15pm (Children will stay for lunch)

25th September onwards: Whole Class – 8.45am – 3.15pm


Please note: For safeguarding reasons, when collecting your child from school,

from 6th September -22nd September please use the Minster Road pedestrian gate.

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