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Sunny Bank Primary School

Minster in SheppeyPrimary School

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Year 4

Welcome to Term 6

Wow, where has the year gone! As the school year comes to a close, we will be engaging in some very exciting activities: Arts Week, Sports Week and End of Year Concerts. In literacy, we will be studying the text Gregory Cool, where city boy Gregory visits his grandparents in the Caribbean for four weeks and learns a new way of life. In numeracy, we will be developing our knowledge of angles and time. Within our topic lessons, we will be exploring Climate Commotion; learning about how we can combat climate change and be more sustainable. In our science lessons, we will be identifying the function of human teeth and exploring the basic function of simple organs in our digestive system.

This term, we will be working our Risk Taking Minster Muscle!


Miss White & Mrs Coetzer & Ms Brett

Mrs Pratt & Mrs Grzywacz

Mrs Blackwell & Mrs Rickard & Mrs Turner


End of Term 5

Where has the term gone! In literacy, pupils put their persuasive skills to use when they created a poster to convince the council to shut down the malodorous dump. Children have had lots of fun in their design teams creating a working torch for a polar expedition. Through their study of food webs, pupils discovered humans are the biggest predator in the ecosystem and the greatest risk to our planet. Year 4 had so much fun at Dover Castle and enjoyed making the connection to our previous literacy text The Prince and the Pauper. As the term drew to a close, we explored strategies to help ease anxiety during Mental Health Awareness Week and the children thoroughly enjoyed making their Movement Spinners and putting them to good use!

We hope you have a restful Spring Bank Holiday; let’s hope the sun shines!


Miss White & Mrs Coetzer & Ms Brett

Mrs Pratt & Mrs Grzywacz

Mrs Blackwell & Mrs Rickard & Mrs Turner

Welcome to Term 5

As we say hello to the warmer weather, we welcome Term 5 with open arms. This term we will be studying the text The Paper Bag Prince by Colin Thompson, which is about the destruction of nature by man and how nature’s resilience never gives up. In numeracy, pupils will be introduced to decimals and will be applying their knowledge to problem solve using money. We will continue to develop our understanding of living things in Science by creating food chains, looking at producers, prey and predators. In geography, we will be exploring the Polar Regions, looking at both the human and physical features.

We look forward to seeing pupils using their empathy Minster Muscle this term!



Miss White & Mrs Coetzer & Ms Brett

Mrs Pratt & Mrs Grzywacz

Mrs Blackwell & Mrs Denton & Mrs Turner

End of Term 4

With Term 4 coming to an end, we are more than half way through the school year and look at how much we have achieved already! In literacy, we enjoyed the text The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain, exploring the characters of Tom Canty and Prince Edward. Through role-play, we travelled back in time to the 16thcentury to experience life as both a prince and a pauper. In numeracy, we consolidated our knowledge of fractions, looking at mixed numbers and improper fractions. Our Science topic this term was Living Things and their Habitats. Pupils enjoyed exploring the Forest School area using the Seek app to identify and classify a variety of plants and species. We looked at the Shang Dynasty in history, finding out about ancient Chinese culture and saw how it is reflected today through our D&T lessons by making our own spring rolls.

We were pleased to see how many pupils used their ‘self-reflection’ muscle this term !


Miss White & Mrs Coetzer & Ms Brett

Mrs Pratt & Mrs Grzywacz

Mrs Blackwell & Mrs Denton & Mrs Turner

Welcome to Term 4

In literacy this term, we are travelling back to the Tudor times as we study the text The Prince and the Pauper. We will meet the characters Edward Tudor- heir to the throne of England and Tom Canty- a poor beggar. Similar in appearance but different in upbringing, the boys swap lives to see how the other half live, but will both boys want to swap back? In numeracy, we will cover the topic of area before moving onto fractions. We will be introduced to MRS NERG in science this term as we explore our new topic of living things. In history, we will find out about the Shang Dynasty and understand the significant aspects of Ancient Chinese Civilisation.


We look forward to seeing some fantastic Passport to Learning’ projects. The projects can be brought in at any point throughout the term and will be proudly displayed!



Miss White & Mrs Coetzer & Ms Brett

Mrs Pratt & Mrs Grzywacz

Mrs Blackwell & Mrs Denton & Mrs Turner

End of Term 3

What a fantastic term it has been! Swans, Peacocks and Macaws have been immersed in the text ‘Guess Who’s Coming for Dinner’ and thoroughly enjoyed making predictions about what the secretive feast was going to be (or rather, who). This term, pupils have developed their understanding of the formal written methods for multiplication and division and have learnt how to apply this knowledge. Science was full of experiments, from noticing how the changes in weather effect the environment to making delicious ice cream. We were pleased to see all pupils demonstrate their Minster Muscle ‘Never Give Up’!


Miss White & Mrs Coetzer & Ms Brett & Mrs Payne

Mrs Pratt & Mrs Grzywacz

Mrs Blackwell & Mrs Palmer-Horwood & Mrs Turner

Welcome to Term 3

This term, Year 4 will be joining Glenda and Horace Pork-Fowler on a scrumptious adventure to Eatem Hall. The greedy hog and the glamorous goose think they are attending a dinner, but will they turn out to be the meal? In Numeracy, we will continue our multiplication and division journey before moving onto length and perimeter.

Did you know that everything is made from matter? In Science, we will be exploring this further by investigating the changing states of matter. We will be travelling around North America in Geography, focusing on the physical geographical landmarks as well as looking at the human characteristics of the regions.

We look forward to seeing your ‘Passport to Learning’ projects and are excited to see you developing your Minster Muscles!


Miss White & Mrs Coetzer & Ms Brett

Mrs Pratt & Mrs Grzywacz

Mrs Blackwell & Mrs Palmer-Horwood & Mrs Turner

End of Term 2

What a busy term! Swans, Peacocks and Macaws have really worked their Minster Muscles this term and have made all of the Year 4 staff incredibly proud! From Remembrance Day, to Children in Need, to Anti-bullying Week, pupils have explored what it means to be an upstanding citizen, where valuing differences and supporting one another is encouraged.  

We dove headfirst into Christmas festivities and thoroughly enjoyed spreading Christmas cheer to all who attended Year 4’s Christmas Concert- we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who celebrated with us!

As we bid a farewell to 2023, we welcome the new beginnings, new learning and new adventures that 2024 will bring.


Miss White & Mrs Coetzer & Ms Brett

Mrs Pratt & Mrs Grzywacz

Mrs Blackwell & Mrs Palmer-Horwood & Mrs Turner

Welcome to Term 2

As we step into the colder weather, we enter the frozen depths of Narnia. We will be exploring and comparing the characters, noticing that some are more delightful than others. In science this term our interests will be sparked as we learn about electricity. We will put our bright ideas to the test as we explore, investigate and experiment with electrical components. In Term 2, our topic on the Romans fits perfectly into our Art project where we will be making our own Roman-inspired mosaic tiles.

As we continue to embark on our Year 4 learning journey, this term we will be harnessing the Minster Muscle ‘Independence’.


Miss White & Mrs Coetzer

Mrs Pratt & Mrs Grzywacz

Mrs Blackwell & Mrs Palmer-Horwood & Ms Turner

End of Term 1

WOW… and just like that, Term 1 is COMPLETE! We have been motivated learners and strived to be the best we can be with our reading and TTRS. In literacy, we brought to life our set of instructions on how to make a disgusting sandwich by making our very own stomach-churning snack. We explored Mother Nature’s instruments when Forest School became our science classroom and investigated sound through many mediums. We also travelled back in time to when string telephones were a great form of communication. In D&T we designed and made our very own incredible playgrounds! 



Miss White & Mrs Coetzer

Mrs Pratt & Mrs Grzywacz

Mrs Blackwell & Mrs Palmer-Horwood & Mrs Turner

Welcome to Term 1

Welcome back to another exciting new school year!  All the adults in Year 4 are looking forward to getting to know you all and starting our learning journey together.

The year ahead will be filled with lots of new experiences and learning opportunities. This term, we will be exploring our local area ‘Minster’, as well as being immersed in Gareth Edwards’ book, 'The Disgusting Sandwich', during our Literacy lessons. The text is about a hungry badger who follows a beautiful peanut butter sandwich on its journey through a park.

We want the children to be safe, happy and calm, ready to learn, so our aim is to create a nurturing environment that adapts to the needs of every single child in Year 4.


Miss White & Mrs Coetzer

Mrs Pratt & Mrs Grzywacz

Mrs Blackwell & Mrs Palmer-Horwood & Ms Turner

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