At Minster Primary School we are keen that our homework activities build on in-class activities and are consistent in ensuring all pupils gain a secure foundation in the basic skills: reading, writing and arithmetic.
The acquisition of a firm foundation in these basic skills underpins the progress of every child through the whole curriculum.
At Minster Primary School we expect parental support with the following homework activities:
Reading – Minimum daily reading expectations:
10 minutes Foundation,
15 minutes Y1 and Y2,
20 minutes Y3 and Y4,
30 minutes Y5 and Y6.
See prompts in the pupils’ planner to support this. Children will complete online quizzes in our Accelerated Reader program after reading each book. KS2 children will also complete vocabularly quizzes if available.
High frequency word lists/Spelling Bee – Years 1 to 6 have our Spelling Bee programme to follow. Weekly spellings will be presented in a booklet each term making expectations clear.
Times table challenge – weekly practice for all pupils in Year 2 upwards. Every week the challenge is to increase individual scores by at least two marks in these times tests.
Times Tables Rockstars/Numbots (click to visit) – These online resources encourage pupils to practise their times tables and number bonds for at least 5 minutes every day. TTRS is aimed at Years 2-6 and Numbots is aimed at Years F and 1.
Curriculum Information Sheets are provided termly, or 6 times a year, to give parents an overview of the learning to be covered. This enables parents to choose to support topic work by planning relevant out of school visits, reading around the topic, mini home projects etc.
‘Encouraging children to develop skills, confidence and motivation, to study independently, to become lifelong learners.’